Let’s Encrypt – The cheapest way of getting your WordPress website HTTP Secure

We are currently working on a WordPress shopping cart website which is running on WooCommerce and as a result, we needed an SSL certificate to lock down the payment processing area.

The website is being hosted in the US, and was having major timeout issues with its hosting, so the client decided to make the switch to MDDhosting.

They choose the basic premium hosting plan which we noticed came with a free shared SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt. Getting it installed was so easy that it was only a few clicks before it was up and running.

After that, the entire site was HTTPS (not just the payment area) which apparently google now prefers Google has announced that going HTTPS will give you a minor ranking boost.

So without having to pay for a static IP and SSL certificate, the WordPress website was secured.

Just looking at the sponsoring companies of Lets Encrypt, you can guess the product will only become better over time as they introduce more features (such as Full IPv6 Support which is due by the end of the month).

So if you are looking at getting your WordPress website secure for next to nix, you should definitely look at letsencrypt.org.

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