WordPress Website Instructions

  • Are you at a loss on how to edit your WordPress website?
  • Did you current designer disappear when you asked them how to use the website they have just created for you?
  • Do you learn better when someone shows you how to use something rather than reading instructions from the screen?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then why not get into contact with us and we can help you out by creating a personalised instructional video especially for your website.

If you are unsure how to edit a page, no problems, we can make a video explaining the process of editing and updating WordPress posts or pages.

If you are unsure how to use a specific WordPress plugin that has been installed on your website, we can make you a video explaining the ins and outs of using it.

All our instructional videos come with a voice over and highlighted mouse actions so you can easily follow them and also play them back when you need a refresher.

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